About Us
Bleachrize is a creative project by LTC. We are a small independent creative group, exploring our creative gifts, and living out artistic endeavour as apart of our walk with Christ and life under God.
We love Christ; so, we work to make a difference - practically, culturally, and morally - in the world and our local communities.
The Shops
LTC came about on 3-June-2013 in Hereford, England, whilst producing homemade bleached and tie-dyed t-shirts.
"The vision is to develop a creative company that will extend to all art forms."
On 25-January-2014 LTC launched from Florida with the Indiegogo campaign 2XL, successfully selling renewal clothing to raise money for charity.
Working from England again, we maintain our vision that each and every item must be individually crafted.
10% of our profit goes to Christian ministries,while the remaining profit is invested in our current and future creative projects. Find out more at our website.
Artists In-house:
Joana Pires [founder/designer/photographer]
Maria Pires [sewing]
Isabel Mills [sewing]
LTC is a unincorporated association.